Vriligy 60 Mg


  • Brand Name: Vriligy 60mg
  • Active Ingredient: Dapoxetine
  • Treatment: Premature Ejaculation
  • Manufacture: Centurion Lab
  • MPN: V59I26Y07
  • Pack Size: 10Tab/Strip
  • Cost/Tablet: $0.66/Tab
SKU: VRILIGY60 Category: Tags: ,


Dapoxetine is the substance that acts in the Vriligy 60 Mg Tablet. Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition affecting adult men between the ages of 18 and 64.

When a man ejaculates despite much sexual excitement and before he desires, it is known as premature ejaculation. The Vriligy Tablet extends the ejaculatory cycle and can enhance ejaculatory control.

Take this medicine exactly as your doctor has advised, both in terms of dosage and time. Avoid abruptly discontinuing this medicine. Tell your doctor everything you know about your medical history before beginning this medication.

How Does It Work?

Serotonin, a brain neurotransmitter that is usually released more quickly in men.

The major ingredient in Vriligy-60 mg is dapoxetine, an SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) that blocks serotonin’s reabsorption (reuptake) into neurons.

It enhances the flow of knowledge between neurons and extends the time that nerve cells may communicate with one another by avoiding reabsorption, which makes more serotonin available.

By postponing ejaculation during the sexual encounter, Dapoxetine in Vriligy 60 improves ejaculatory control.

What are the Uses of Vriligy 60 mg Tablet?

The primary component in Vriligy Tablets, which are well-known for treating Premature Ejaculation, is dapoxetine.

One of the most frequent causes of disordered sex between men is premature ejaculation. It is the state of ejaculating too soon with no or little desired sexual arousal.

The most common sexual disorder is this kind. Premature ejaculation is a disease that can be addressed.

Your partner and you may both benefit from using drugs and getting counseling that inhibit ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction can both be addressed through the use of Dapoxetine and Sildenafil.

What are the Best Dosage of It?

precisely as prescribed by your doctor, take Vriligy pills. The following advice may be useful to you:

Grind or break the medicine, but swallow it whole.

You may take it with or without food.

It is advised to take it one to three hours before having a sexual encounter.

Take no more than one pill per day.

Only use Vriligy, which contains Dapoxetine, before to sexual activity; it is not meant for daily use.

Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction can both be addressed by combining Dapoxetine and Sildenafil.

What are the Side Effects?

Specific negative side effects of vraligy are occur. However, you can prevent them if you follow your doctor’s recommendations.

  • Decreased libido
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Uncertainty and jitters
  • Dizziness
  • Distorted vision
  • An earache that ringers
  • Irregular or rapid heartbeat
  • Blood pressure rising
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Mouth ache

These negative effects are uncommon and only affect a small number of people. In addition, these are temporary signs that hardly ever need medical attention.

What are the Warnings & Precautions?

Before using this drug, take taken into account the following contraindications:

  • Before using the medication, talk to your doctor if you have ever experienced fainting.
  • You’ve already gone experienced mania or a very bad depression
  • People who are allergic to Dapoxetine or any of the other ingredients in Vriligy Tablets should use alternate drugs.
  • Use this medication with care if you have any cardiac conditions, such as heart failure or heart rhythm disorders.
  • Tell your doctor if you have liver issues before receiving an order for 60 mg of vriligy.
  • Do not take this tablet for at least 24 hours after drinking grapefruit juice.

How to Storage Vriligy 60 mg?

Keep Vriligy Tablet away from the sun and in a cool, dry location. Keep out of children’s and pets’ reach. Check that the tablets are in good shape before buying.

What to do the Case of Missed Dosage?

Take the missed Vriligy Tablet dose as soon as you remember it if you have missed any.

You ought to disregard the dose you missed if you know the time for your next dose and go back to the usual dosing regimen. Never take the medication again to make up for a missed dose.

What Should You Avoid While Taking Vriligy 60 Mg?

  • You should abstain from drinking.
  • Don’t smoke
  • Avoid driving or using machinery if you can to avoid dizziness and blurred vision.
  • Don’t take any medicines without a prescription or doctor’s consent.

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