
Tension Headache Relief, Types, Causes, Symptoms & Best Medicines

Tension Headache is the most common types of migraine, that experienced by the all age’s people. These types of headache described as a dull ache or pressure around the forehead or temples. It could be cause to moderate pain.

Usually Tension Headache not cause for serious concern, but it significantly impact on daily life style. In this blog we will explore what it is, the causes, symptoms, treatment and many more. So keep reading this post.

What is Tension Headache?

Tension Headache is a type of headache that shows the symptoms of, aching pain that occur in different parts of the head like, the forehead, temples, or sometime the back of the head and neck.

These types of headache can be acute or chronic as well, and it could due to muscle tension or emotional stress. The pain due to tension headaches described as a feeling of tightness or pressure that gradually builds up and that last for several hours or even days.

This types of headaches are not usually severe or debilitation. It can significantly affect quality of life and carry out daily activities.

How It Impact on Daily Lifestyle?

Tension headaches can mild pain and discomfort on a person life that have a significant impact on daily life. It can effect on the ability to concentrate in work and enjoy leisure activities.

The pain and pressure associated with tension headaches can make difficult to focus and that can be challenging for students or professionals who need to concentrate for long periods of time.

These types of headache also interfere with sleep to get enough rest and leading to fatigue and irritability during the day.

The frequency and intensity of tension headache can cause anxiety and stress, which can create a cycle of pain and tension.

Overall, it can significantly impact on daily life but finding effective ways to manage these headaches can improve overall quality of life.

What are the Causes of Tension Headache?

Some people experience a dull ache or pressure in the back of the head and neck. The pain is usually bilateral that means it affects both sides of the head.

Some common symptoms of tension headaches include like:

  • Sensitivity in the scalp, neck and shoulder muscles
  • Fatigue
  • Sleeping difficulty
  • Irritability
  • Mild sensitivity to light or noise

Unlike Migraine Headache, tension headaches are not typically accompanied by nausea or vomiting and don’t worsen with physical activity.

Best Treatment of Tension Headaches?

The best treatment can involve medication and lifestyle changes. Over the counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen 200mg and ibuprofen 400mg can be effective to reducing the pain associated with tension headaches.

If you have severe or frequent headaches then a doctor prescribe stronger pain medication or muscle relaxants (Pain O Soma 500mg & Soma 350mg). In other hand, lifestyle changes can be effective way to manage it.

Stress reduction technique like, meditation and yoga can reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation. Regular exercise also reduces the frequency and intensity of tension headaches.

In addition, maintaining the good sleep and avoiding trigger foods or drinks can help to manage the tension headaches.

Differences between Tension and Migraine Headaches?

Tension and Migraine Headaches have some common symptoms such as head pain and sensitivity to light and sound. But here is some difference between these two.

Tension headaches described as a steady, dull ache on both sides of the head. On the other hand migraines headaches involve a pulsing or throbbing pain on one side of the head.

Nausea and vomiting are associated with migraines, but muscle tension and tightness in the neck and shoulders are associated with tension headaches.

Migraines headaches are often triggered by factors like, hormonal changes, certain foods, or strong smell, whereas tension headaches are more commonly triggered by stress or poor posture.

FAQs for Tension Headache

How do you relieve a tension headache?

There are several ways to relieve a tension headache like, pain medication (Gabapentin 100mg), applying heat or ice, practicing relaxation techniques and getting the enough rest and sleep.

What triggers tension headaches?

Tension headaches triggers by stress, anxiety, poor posture, lack of sleep and due to muscle tension.

Does drinking water help tension headaches?

Yes, drinking water help to relief tension headache. Because our body get full oxygen and nutrition’s.

What does tension headache feels like?

These types of headaches feel like a constant, dull ache or pressure around the forehead or temples.

Does Tylenol help tension headaches?

Yes, Tylenol help to alleviate the pain associated with tension headaches.

Does caffeine help tension headaches?

Yes, Caffeine also helps to relieve these types of headaches.

Why won’t my tension headache go away?

These all might be the causes to not go away like, chronic stress, poor posture and lack of sleepiness.

How long do tension headaches usually last?

Tension headaches between 30 minutes to 70 hours or some times more than this also.

Does sleep help tension headaches?

Yes, having good quality of sleep help to manage tension headaches.

Are tension headaches serious?

Not, these types of headaches are not very serious, but can significantly impact daily life style.

Where is a stress headache located?

Stress related headaches usually located on both sides of the head.

What are red flags for tension headaches?

Red flags indicate for urgent medical attention. But generally tension headaches not cause for serious concern like this.

What happens if tension headache is left untreated?

If tension headaches left untreated it can lead to decreased quality of life and interfere with daily activities.

Do tension headaches affect the brain?

Not, usually tension headaches not affect the brain.

What age is tension headache common?

Tension headaches are very common in people of all ages.

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